The document develops the theme of customer experience and the customer-company relationship that we began in the Customer Experience Report: a lasting friendship with the customer 2021”. The report gained great market interest, which confirms the stature and market awareness of CX is growing.
Inspired by our success, we have developed a almost 100-page document that takes a holistic perspective on our customers’ entire experience path from seeking information about the service, to purchasing, use and finally to opting out. Why is this so important? Because at each stage, customers have different needs and experiences.
We took both a close look at the industries related to the PZU Group's business activities, and we also looked much more broadly. We examined the customers of eight leading service industries that respond to different customer needs like banking, traditional services,
We share the results of our research and show the customers’ and the company’s different points of view. We devote a lot of space to trends in digitalisation and have also invited eminent market experts from Brand24 and Google to enrich the document with research results and their own analyses.
This has resulted in a report showing how to effectively manage customer experience, including that of the digital variety. We are confident this knowledge will enable you to better understand your customers' needs and take sound decisions related to designing positive customer experiences.
President of the Management Board of PZU Życie SA
In the contemporary world, Customer Experience is becoming the foundation for creating exceptional market value and a major source of strategic advantage. At PZU, we have been client-centred for many years. Our thinking about clients departs from the classic model of relations between clients and an insurer that is rooted solely in sales and aftersales service. We have gone a step further – we place the client in the center of attention and integrate all areas of our activity around the client.
These are not just nice words – our commitment is reflected in specific actions. We constantly track client needs and expectations, listening to their voices, we conduct numerous studies and, what is most important, we draw conclusions and introduce improvements. We are the only company in Poland that has developed CX competences of its employees so significantly, because we know that it is impossible to have good Customer Experience without perfect Employee Experience. Investment in good customer experience is a priority to us.
Our studies show that as many as 76% of Poles are satisfied with the services they use. It is a good result but it does not allow us to rest on our laurels. Caring for favorable relationships with the client is especially important in the times of crisis. These are the “moments of truth”. This is why companies should be cautious and make sure that they give their clients emotional support and understanding. Such activities pay off and a client well cared for may become a brand ambassador. I would like to encourage you to read the report and analyze in detail the findings of our surveys. I believe that you will find many inspiring tips and data, which you will find useful in designing even better experiences for us – customers.