In the Management Board of PZU SA since 12 April 2024.
Fintech contributor. An expert in business process management. For many years he has been CEO of financial institutions. Since May 2020, he has been co-founder and CEO of Trasti, an insurtech and digital insurer created in a JV with Triglav DD and Swiss Re. Involved in the insurance market, among others, in both the private and public domains.
Started his professional career already during his studies in 1993, first as an associate of the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) foundation, where he worked, among other things, on a project for the World Bank. He then took up a position as an analyst at the PIM consulting firm, dealing with financial analyses in the processes of privatization of the pharmaceutical industry in Poland. During his studies at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, in 1995, he made his first experiences with the insurance market in an international environment. The studies program included internships and meetings at the branches of major European companies operating in Vienna.
Artur worked for the Generali Group for many years, passing through all career ranks and assuming different responsibilities, starting as a manager, then becoming department director, member of the management board, vice president and in 2010 finally being offered the position of the Group’s CEO in Poland. During this period, he completed numerous specialized training courses and was the first Pole to attend the Value of Knowledge top management program within the international structures of the Generali Group. During his presidency in Poland, the Polish companies of the Generali Group were twice awarded for their financial performance and business value growth, in 2012 and 2013. In the years 2010–2014, he served as the leader of the multinational, multicultural and diversified management of the Generali Group in Poland.
In 2014, he entered the public domain and the domain of the State Treasury companies. The Management Board of the Poczta Polska Group invited him to work with them to create and run the Postal Insurance with his experience and expertise. Within just four months of its founding and licensing, the Postal Life Insurance Company (Pocztowe Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń na Życie) initiated its operations. At the same time, his team reorganized the operations of the property company, Postal Mutual Insurance Company (Pocztowe Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych), changing its structure and modernizing it toward a multi-brand business model.
In 2016, along with a team of managers, he founded his first fintech company – hiPRO sp. z o.o. The company combines banking and insurance processes, as it optimizes insurance premium financing processes by integrating professional lending institutions and banks with the sales ecosystems of insurers and multiagents, as well as offering tools directly to individual agents and clients.
In 2020, he established the so-called “digital insurer”, HPI GMA sp. z o.o., in Poland, together with other banking and insurance sector managers. On the basis of the Freedom of Service and the Triglav license, HPI GMA sp. z o.o. – operating under the Trasti brand – began selling motor insurance, mainly through digital channels.
Mr Artur Olech sits on several supervisory boards in Polish financial institutions and pension funds, serving as an independent member in the public sector and listed companies. In the years 2017–2018, he served as a member of the Supervisory Board of Mabion S.A., an innovative drug manufacturer. In 2016, he joined the Supervisory Board of Ciech SA, where he still serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
In recent years, he has actively participated in prestigious scientific and program boards in the Polish financial market. In the years 2014–2023, he was a member of the program boards for FinTech Congress and Big Data Congress, which are among the largest annual conferences of the fintech sector, and he served as Chairman of the Insurance Forum Program Board, the largest commercial insurance market conference.
In March 2023, he was invited to join the EKF Insurance Program Board, a conference organized as part of the prestigious European Financial Congress. He serves as a member of the chapter of Leaders of the Banking and Insurance World, which awards annual prizes to the best banks and insurance companies.